Saturday, July 15, 2006

Culture Change

This may surprise some, but I've been finding it hard to get very worked up about legislation dealing with moral and social issues like marriage, abortion, and drugs. Every victory looks good on its own, but over past years, we have seen a steady disintegration in the values of the American population in general. We have gone from fighting no-fault divorce to fighting homosexual marriage. Instead of trying to stop first trimester abortion, we are trying to keep doctors from removing feeding tubes from living adults.

The next generation of judges, legislators, journalists, and voters is one which has been taught that there is no creator, that there is no natural law, and that they owe no more allegiance to America than they do to any other nation. They have been instructed that every religion is equally tolerable unless one takes said religion so seriously that he believes it is the only true religion.

As long as we fail to train children with uncompromising Christian values, we will be fighting a losing battle. We may see a federal marriage amendment ratified, but on our current path, it will be repealed twenty years from now. We may have a ban on partial birth abortion, but eventually we will be arguing about whether to kill human clones to harvest organs. Passing moral laws without producing moral people is like taking cough drops to treat pneumonia. If our culture turns around, it will not be through good laws, it will be through changed people.

The best way to produce people of this sort is to have children and to have a lot of them. Children are blank hard drives just waiting for data. There's no way to estimate the impact of a man with many well-raised children.

The only other way is to retrain existing people. The fields of unbelievers are ripe for harvest. Evangelize. However, evangelization is not enough to create people who will take our country in the right direction. We need to be prepared to train younger believers on how the Bible applies to current events and politics. We need to teach them the implications of God being the Creator, and of the intrinsic value of human life.

Having said all that, I must point out that in all our endeavors, whether as lobbyists, evangelists, or housewives, we should not depend on success for incentive to persevere at our task. God may save our nation, but He may also decide to bring persecution to the church and to allow America to become a Babylon of immorality. Our part is simply to do what we know we must do.


Lindsay said...

Too many Christians expect nonbelievers to follow the same moral standards that they do. However, that's a very unrealistic expectation, considering a nonbeliever is clearly not Christian. You can't expect Christian morals from people who aren't Christian. It is indeed the people who need to change, rather than just the laws. It's sad what people are being taught from schools, the media, etc. Sadder still is the state of most churches and the "Christian" population at large.

When even the "Christians" are teaching evolution, tolerance of other religions, and the same standards as the rest of the world, if children aren't taught well and don't learn to be strong in their faith, they won't know what to believe when faced with all these issues. Too many Christians believe in being so tolerant and open minded that they aren't strong in their faith.

I have only recently taken an interest in politics, so I enjoy hearing the thoughts and perspectives of other people. Your post is very thought-provoking.

Brian said...

Adams said that our form of Government is only suitable for a religious and moral people. Our problem is that we are in a post Christian culture and the church is ill equipped to handle such a culture. Many preachers do little more than preach against cultural minutiae. Preaching against music and dress does little to end the mass exodus from the church among youth as they head to begin their own lives. Truthfully, most Christians cannot give any definitive answer to the question, “who is Jesus?”. Ask a youth from your church some time—ask an adult for that matter. Most of them will give an answer that is so broad that most Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, and even practitioners of other religions would not have a disagreement with their definitions. So if Christians don’t understand who Jesus is, then what good is ethical preaching? The church on the whole contradicts itself daily. It fights [politically] abortion, but does not promote family. It fights homosexuality and divorce, but sports a divorce rate as high, and higher, than its secular counterparts. Until our people—starting with the church—become truly “religious” and “moral” again, our system will not maintain itself. This is the reason that the battle has moved from early term abortions to euthanasia. There are four big giants in our day: pluralism (there are many ways to God), universalism (everyone is right), relativism (there are no absolutes), and secularism (the limiting of religion to only religious areas of life). Until the church addresses these issues with a gospel that is not susceptible to them—first within the church and then outside the church—it does not present a relevant message to the world.

Justin said...

Awesome post! Thanks for sharing this.

Our nation's revival (or survival) will only come through a weeding and strengthening of The True Church. ( I will refrain from quoting the over quoted 2Chron 7:14)

As the church returns from the idols to which it's strayed and father's turn their hearts to their children -raising them up as a godly generation whose children's children will not stray from the God who created them- only then will God begin to heal the scars that cover our land.

Gabe and Mandy said...

How refreshing to read...

Very well written summary of what's going on in this country.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Nice post!!!

Very well written!

Isn't it sad how the moral values have declined in this country?..and Legislation hasn't helped anything..legislating moral laws is mans feeble attempt to enforce something that only a society wholly devoted to God can accomplish. Legislation can make things legal/illegal...but not lawful/unlawful.... Only Gods law decides what is or is not lawful.