Monday, June 05, 2006

Papa's Birthday

Yesterday evening we celebrated Papa's birthday. Papa and I actually share a birthday in August, but several years ago we started celebrating Papa's birthday in June. Yes, it's true, we have Papa's Birthday and Papa's Birthday, Observed. To observe this holiday, we ate cake and ice cream, decorated our good-natured father with a funny hat and balloon, and had a good time generally. In a few weeks, we will continue our observance by going to the circus together.

This is obviously a man secure in his manhood.

Papa has been the greatest father for me. He taught me good morals and careful reasoning. His sacrificial leadership and his willingness to swim against the cultural current are examples that will influence me for the rest of my life. On the occasion of his birthday, I am acutely aware of how blessed I am by him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful tribute to Papa. This is the first time I have found your blog and, of course, it is so interesting snd well-written. But then I have a bunch of these journalistic-educated grandchildren. Keep up the superb work, but you can leave out the spiders!!!! Grrrrrrrrr